Dropbox api coffescript
Dropbox api coffescript

Have a server you can use ssh to forward traffic from the server to yourĬlass AvatarUploader end version :medium do process :resize_to_fit => end version :small do process :resize_to_fit => end end (I assume it is publicly available) to your computer or alternatively, if In development you can either forward some port from your router To use different value of the setting for development, staging and productionĮnvironment. Request to this given URL when the image is ready. Reason we are going to use postUrl option so that Aviary will send us a This is my biggest disappointment when using those two products. To poll this link, or alternatively handle the hi-res image server-side”. However theĭocumentation states that “this image may not yet be ready so you will have

dropbox api coffescript

You can save the url value in JS variable or use it toįill some hidden field in a form or send it to the server. When user finishes editing the photo and presses “Save” button, onSaveĬallback is executed. getFile images, ( url, metadata ) -> preview = $ ( '' ) preview. (or CoffeeScript as you will see) but is not hard at all. Otherwise we need to get our hands dirty with their Javascript APIs Servers and provide you an url for downloading a file. Aviary provides you with a powerful HTML5Įditor for manipulating photos. Let the user upload images not only from the computer itself but also from web Speaking short, Filepicker is a tool that Well, welcome to the world invaded by FilepickerĪnd Aviary. There are someįlash tools that might help, but they are still not good enough. Good tool that can help in implementing such feature and improve the userĮxperience, but file uploads almost always feel a little broken.

dropbox api coffescript

Like writing texts, picking a date, selecting from lot of choices we have a You always feel that there is something wrong with it? For every other task We all have been using the same code for uploading images for years, but didn’t Filepicker and Aviary - Image uploading on steroids

Dropbox api coffescript