Install python 3.5 ubuntu 20.04
Install python 3.5 ubuntu 20.04

install python 3.5 ubuntu 20.04

If you decide to use apt anyway, note that for compatibility reasons, you’ll only be able to use the default Python versions that are available in Ubuntu (e.g. To install Python packages, do it via pip and not apt. System Python is not used and should not be relied on. travis.yml your tests will run inside a virtualenv (without you having to explicitly create it). This means that as soon as you specify language: python in. The CI Environment uses separate virtualenv instances for each Python You can find the list of such versions in the table below. The job will attempt to download the suitable remote archive and make it If the specified version of Python is not available on the present build image, Language : python python : - " 2.7" - " 3.4" - " 3.5" - " 3.6" # current default Python on Travis CI - " 3.7" - " 3.8" - " 3.9" - " 3.9-dev" # 3.9 development branch - " nightly" # nightly build # command to install dependencies install : - pip install -r requirements.txt # command to run tests script : - pytest Improve this page on GitHub Building a Python Project The README in our Git repository explains how to contribute. Bitbucket Permissions used by Travis CI.

Install python 3.5 ubuntu 20.04